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Health and Safety Solutions

Enabling you to create and manage systems, procedures and documents tailored to your organisation's Health & Safety needs.

Weighty Business: Changing the Culture of Manual Handling

Manual Handling ebook

eBook now available. email james@jamberry.co.uk for more information

Understanding Stress at Work

Read our White Paper on Stress!

Understanding the Need for Organisations to Deal with the Issue of Stress - White Paper

Take our Stress Survey! Find out if you are under pressure!

Understand how to Manage Stress in Your Organisation

Find out more:
Call 0800 840 2418 or email

Stress in the Workplace Liabilities

Understanding your Stress in the Workplace liabilities

Stress in the workplace reduces productivity, increases tension, and increases pressure and need for management intervention. Stress can, amongst other things, lead to poor staff performance and lower productivity, higher sickness absence and staff turnover and a breakdown in co-operation and effective working relationships. Currently trades unions are actively supporting hundreds of cases through the courts.  See also Managing Stress in Your Organisation

Understanding your liabilities for Stress in the Workplace can be complex and worrying. In broad terms:

  • Employers can be found negligent under a breach of common law duty of care to provide a safe system and conditions of work. This now includes psychosocial areas as well as physical hazards.
  • Employers have a statutory duty to undertake risk assessment and to manage those risks as far as is reasonably practical. (Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999). Stress is now seen as a workplace derived risk.
  • In recent court cases the employer has been taken to court citing the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 in conjunction with the Management of H&S at Work Regulations 1999. They have been found negligent under the terms of duty of care of the employer within those two Acts.
  • The costs to an organisation can be very significant. All legal costs may not be paid unless a company has additional legal insurance.
  • The amount of HR time involved can be huge and very demanding as people are dragged through the courts in stressful and lengthy cases.
  • The public image of the organisation can be severely tarnished
  • 'No win no fee' agencies are actively promoting their services to act in these types of cases.
  • Currently trades unions are actively supporting hundreds of cases through the courts, e.g. UNISON.
  • For further details visit their website on: www.unison.org.uk 

How JamBerry Ltd can help you...

Our consultants have extensive experience and knowledge about Stress in the Workplace liabilities and the impact on this sensitive area of management. We will help you develop a strategy to help protect your organisation. We will help your team to:

  • Assess the current stress situation
  • Identify preventive strategies
  • Develop a Stress Policy
  • Provide training for managers and staff
  • Develop an internal stress evaluation and audit system
  • Assist you with the relevant paperwork
  • Help you develop a stress aware culture

If you would like to find out about any of these issues in more detail, please give us a call on +44(0)800 840 2418 or e-mail us on  info@jamberry.co.uk


health and safety consultancy

Corporate Manslaughter Act!

Cases are now going to court!

As of the 6th April 2008 organisations whose failure in health & safety lead to the death of an individual can face prosecution and unlimited fines. Talk to us today to find out you responsibilities.

Also see our Health & Safety for Directors.



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JamBerry Ltd, 9 St Peter's Crescent, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex TN40 2EH Tel: 0800 840 2418